Torres de refrigeración

Cooling tower water treatment

Never before has it been so simple, efficient or easy to manage the fight against the risk of Legionnaires' disease

The techniques developed by Geodesic simplify disinfection, drastically reduce the time spent on installations, minimize the microbiological risk, and allow for the highest performance of both the cooling units and the maintenance staff. And it all can be achieved without the use of chemical products while, at the same time, creating significant savings in water consumption (up to 90%).

The Geodesic method for cooling towers

The Geodesic treatment for cooling towers and evaporative condensers makes use of the combination of electroporation, advanced oxidation and filtration.

  1. Our systems, based on this combined process of electroporation and advanced oxidation, are managed by software that constantly monitors and analyzes physiochemical parameters, as well as the water from the cooling circuit. Taking that data, the software adapts the system’s response, offering extraordinary water quality and permanent disinfection.
  2. Additionally, cooling towers and condensers circulate large volumes of air whose suspended materials are transferred to the water inside them, which is why this disinfection is complemented by filtration that eliminates sludge and suspended solids. Since the water is not dosed at all, the increase in conductivity will exclusively be a by-product of concentration. That means that for the same value of concentration of cycles, the consumption of water drawn off is reduced by up to 90%. Given that disinfection is not affected by conductivity, its cycles of concentration are no longer limited by the treatment.

In compliance with all legislation worldwide

At Geodesic, thanks to the selection of the manufacturing materials of our electrodes, we can choose whichever oxidant needs to be generated in the process (hydroxyl radicals or active chlorine), giving us the ability to adapt to the applicable regulation in any part of the world.

The advantages of our technology

  • Geodesic | Cooling towers


    Done without producing, storing, manipulating or spilling any chemical products.

  • Geodesic | Cooling towers


    Conservation of up to 90% of the water.

    Without consuming or adding chemical products.

    Without the routine intervention of maintenance staff.

    Increasing the operating life of the installations’ materials.

  • Geodesic | Cooling towers

    Peace of mind with regards to Legionella

    Maximum disinfectant efficacy. 

    Real-time monitoring, with continuous recording and analysis of disinfection data by means of online reports.

Impacto en tu negocio

Geodesic consigue un ahorro de hasta el 80% en la renovación del agua purga y el 100% de los costes en químicos de tus torres de refrigeración y condensadores evaporativos, eliminando la corrosión e incrustación.


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Geodesic | Cooling towers

Control and monitor your installations wherever you are

At Geodesic, we designed CB-OPCON so that you can control your installations from anywhere in the world: Access periodic reports, set alarms, start up maintenance or modify your program’s settings.

Prevención de la legionela

Geodesic garantiza el cumplimiento de la normativa frente a legionela y consigue un ahorro de hasta el 80% de agua de purga evitando el uso productos químicos en el tratamiento de agua de tus torres de refrigeración y condensadores evaporativos.

Geodesic | Prevención y control de legionela

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La importancia del plan de prevención y control de legionela

Revisa los 10 consejos imprescindibles para cumplir la nueva normativa sanitaria para la prevención y el control de la Legionela sobre las Torres de Refrigeración y Condensadores Evaporativos.

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